09 December 2012

Next Generation of Web Frameworks

There is a lot of fuss around the framework you choose for a project. Everyone has their opinions but seldom do you have one person who has worked on multiple frameworks and clearly articulates which is the right framework to choose from.

Most frameworks are about:
  • reading and processing pages
  • differentiate view from business logic 
  • provide multiple widgets which determine the UI
Inherently all frameworks deal with processing at a "page" level and all of them compete against each other on how fast a page loads.

We have seen a rise of web-apps; miniaturizing parts of a website and delivering content via. multiple channels (desktop & mobile are the two most common). We have also seen that the idea of page load speed is no longer applicable.

The next evolution will delve deeper into building the building blocks of these web-apps. It will not be about interaction between pages, instead components of a page will interact to improve user experience and focussed content delivery.

  1. Interaction between page widgets... combo box, text box etc.
  2. Use multiple widgets to form web-apps directed to a simple purpose
  3. Web-apps will work together on a page to give advanced features
  4. Back end integrations will make working on websites seamless
  5. You will never know that you are actually dealing with multiple applications
A new world awaits us.

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