1. Download and install Apache Ant at a convenient location (D:\apache-ant-1.8.4)
2. Download the rscbundlecheck jar from website and add it to ANT_INSTALL/lib folder
3. Make sure you add ANT_INSTALL/bin folder to your path
4. Create a new build.xml like the one given below OR you can add the ant task to an existing build.xml
<?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?>
<project name="project1" basedir="." default="default">
<target name="default">
<taskdef classpath="D:/apache-ant-1.8.4/lib/rscbundlecheck-bin.jar" resource=""/>
<resourceCheck failonerror="false">
<fileset dir="D:/project1/java/res/com/homyarb/resources">
<include name="page_labels_*.properties"/>
<include name="cross bundle check"/>
1. open Command prompt and go to the folder where build.xml is saved
2. Type "ant" enter
The script should show you the labels which are missing across various label properties.